keskiviikko 16. toukokuuta 2012

Collecting my Shards

For the first time, I'm going to post in english!

I have millions of things I would like to tell, and I don't know where to start. My life is kind of a mess right now, and I'm trying to keep myself from going depressed. Thank god I have wonderful friends and a family, who keep me from going ...insane. :'D

Where should I start? 
We had a little photoshoot with Iruka, but I don't have the pictures yet. (used Iruka's camera, so..) I had this.. Crazy hair up-do, never wore that before. Here is couple of pictures I took with my phone:

Funny, ain't it? :D

I'm going to post more of this photoshoot, when I get the pics.

And also, as I told in the last post, I did my nails. I'm using UV gel when I do my nails, I've been doing them for... Four years now. And about two weeks ago, I finally got black gel! I've always used black nailpolish, but gel on top of it always loosens pretty fast. Let's hope these stick on longer!

Before our camera-playing, we were shopping in Helsinki. I used SO MUCH MONEY! I bought all kind of stuff, from haircolour to clothes and accessories. My favourite stuff from that day must be my new Jimmy Whoo? shirt! <3 I also bought a Jimmy Whoo? bag, which I had wanted for so long. 

The awesome shirt and new necklace.

And yeah, been to school for couple of days. Went there to do my thesis, and it went well! Didn't think I would do a coffee table just in two days!? Well yeah, the table itself was easy, but the essay-part was like hell.. But I did it with honor 'till the end, and I can feel the stress to fade. Though I have bigger things to stress about right now....

Due to some issues at home, I need to move on my own, and I'm trying to look for an apartment for myself. It's pretty hard to find a cheap, but not too small apartment, which should be close to my work at the same time. My final line with the rent is 600 euros, and there are some nice little places under that amount, but I need to think about all of those carefully, because I'm going to stay in that place for at least for 1-3 years.
So yeah, STRESS. What's that? 


I have been playing Pokémon like crazy.

Even this picture shows the awesomeness of Pokémon!!
Even though I like the earlier seasons of Pokémon, these new ones are SO MUCH FUN to play. 8--D
I've been playing the White version for some time now. I like the quality in the game, though the pokémon start to look more and more... Like Transformers or something.

Optimus PrimeMON!! Digimon what

At the beginning of the game, you get to choose your gender. And just because I'm a female, it doesn't mean I HAVE to choose the girl. And when the characters look like this...

I HAD TO choose the boy. That girl's look just... Annoys me. And I like to bring up my boyish side to life, so I was okay with the boy. And so the mighty adventurer got the glory name of Yuhito. 
Yuhito is my boy-side. Looks like me, talks like me, but is actually a lot cooler, and doesn't goofy around so much as I do. 

And here he is

So yeah, that's what he looks like. (usually with short hair but I draw him with long hair too)
A quick sketch of him.

ANYWAYS, back to Pokémon. So I named the character Yuhito, and at the early beginning, you get to see your trainer's friends, Cheren and Bianca. And I HATE BIANCA. Enough said. Later on, you'll get to meet this mysterious guy named as N. He's-so-cool. Much later, in a place named as Nimbasa City, you will meet him again, and HE WANTS TO GO TO THE FERRIS WHEEL WITH YOU. And, as a HUGE fan of yaoi, you know what my thoughts were... (if you read manga, you know what usually happens on ferris wheels. B----] ) So now, every time I play the game, I start to think things between N and Yuhito. Yeah, I'm weird.

N!! He's so awesome!

I think I'll continue drawing now, got some inspiration. I'm sick right now anyway, so I have time to draw and do other non-stressing stuff. Like playing Pokémon. 8----D
Hopefully I do the next post faster, and shorter. I bet you guys get tired of my long posts, which never make any sense. Anyway. Um.. Enjoy your day! :D

Ps. You can find so many pictures with N x trainer pairing, so I'm not the only one! 8D

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